Thursday, January 31, 2008


If you'll notice the current results of the current "Look! A Poll!," at least one person has answered that I should make babies for an upcoming Super Bowl party.

I'm not sure how odd it is that I can, with little to no effort, think of at least 5 people off the top of my head who might vote that way. The reasons would vary, depending upon the vote caster, of course, from

-- wanting grandchildren to
-- simply hating babies to
-- enjoying the thought of babies on a spit roasting over an open flame. I'm not sure if they'd like to see them with or without diapers. I'm thinking the latter, but you could
always pack the diapers with, like, some sort of stuffing or herbal treatment for the rump.

But like I said: Interesting....

Monday, January 28, 2008

Speaking of Hawaii...

I've decided on a hotel and a timeline! And by "I," I mean Lisa and I have finally settled (I think) on where we're stayin'.

So, from May 22nd to May 29, I'll be on Hawaii time. And my clock will be at the Aqua Palms & Spa.

Final arrangements are pending, like my flights and exactly what kinda room I'll be opting for, but that's the gist.

Now, I know what you're thinking:

"Why would anyone want to go to Hawaii?"
"Did you lose a bet or something?"
"Awww, geez, man. I'm sorry."
or possibly
"Witness re-location program, huh?"

And any other time, I'd feel the same way.

I mean, the place is... well, I'll try to keep my language clean for the lady folk, but the place is all heat and volcanoes and sand.

It's Mordor, really.

Only instead of being ringed by mountains, it's smack dab in the middle of the ocean. So really, it's worse than Mordor. 'Cause at least you can WALK OUT of Mordor.

And don't even get me started on the drunk drivers and the smoke monsters....

But speaking of drunk drivers, they can't be too bright (aside from the whole driving while drunk thing, even). C'mon, man! Where ya gonna go, dumbass?? They've only got one highway (oh, I'm sorry... INTERSTATE highway, pfft!), and it runs in a big circle! All the cops have to do is spot you and then wait 15 minutes for you to finish your loop, all the while eating out of their oat bags!

Okay. So I got myself started on the drunk drivers... but I digress.

I'm actually going 'cause one of my friends went and decided to marry a girl from Hawaii, who incidentally, is my friend too
(well maybe not so much after this post). And, well, there you go.

So I'm gonna go.

'Cause really, if you can't be there for a couple when they're getting married under the ever-watchful Eye of Sauron, then you can't be that good of a friend.

The only real question is, when'm I gonna have to go back there and cut off someone's finger?


Monday, January 21, 2008

Bored at Work

Well, not "bored" but not as entertained as I usually am.

See, most of the day I have a Firefox window open, and the first tab to be opened and the last tab to be closed is the tab for my favorite LA Kings message board. People are on it all day, so there's always something new to read and it's not just talk about hockey.

There's a movie/TV/music forum. A forum for random stuff like things in the news, odd situations, or Japanese Bug Fights. A forum for computer stuff and a forum for video games. There are also arcade games and a live chat. All this on top of 2 forums dedicated to the NHL and, or course, the main forum dedicated to the Kings.

It's pretty much one-stop shopping for me.

So, when I have a couple of minutes, when I'm transitioning from one thing to another, when I'm waiting for a search (like now), or even when I just need to break up the monotony, I can just go to that tab and see what's up.

But no more.

Apparently our (on) crack off-site IT folks tracked a virus back to the site that tied up our network and caused a slow-down in our e-mail and internet. Now, I don't doubt the possibility, or even the probability, but I do have doubts about the IT folks who have never seemed to me to be right on the ball for numerous reasons.

So now, I've been asked not to visit the site as it is deemed a security risk. Completely understandable and I, of course, will not be visiting the site from work for the foreseeable future.

But still, this sucks and I'm bored.

On the plus side, I'm getting a heck of a lot of research done for Hawaii!

Friday, January 04, 2008


I was sick today.

Well, technically, I guess you could say I'm still sick. But the point is:

I kinda enjoy being sick.

There are various reasons, some of which are (in no no particular order):

First: You get to stay home from work. So I didn't go to work today. But I did get to see The Truman Show, cutie Kirsten Dunst in "Elizabethtown" (I skipped through the parts without her) and some other stuff on my DVR.

Second: While you're home from work, you get to wallow. It's not often you get the chance to really wallow, and when you're sick - with your nose all stuffy so you can't breathe, you're sore, your throat is scratchy, you're stomach is all messed up - it's the perfect opportunity. I mean, who's gonna stop you? You're sick! They'll just be happy you're not breathing on them! So you find a nice crappy place to feel, and you stay there and heap more crap on yourself while you have the chance.

Third: You feel everything. Muscles you forgot you even had are sore. Right now, there's a muscle on the outside edge of my foot that's sore. When the hell do you feel the muscles on the sides of your feet?? I bet you never even think of 'em.

Fourth: Getting better. Most days, you wake up, roll outta bed and head to the bathroom. That's it. But tomorrow or Sunday, I'm gonna wake up and just be glad I can breathe. And when I roll outta bed, I'll be pretty excited about the fact that I'm not sore. It's a pretty damn good feeling, and I'll be able to appreciate it for a few days. So yeah, it sucks, but then you get better!

And of course, in order to appreciate the delicious misery of it all, I experience it all without pharmaceutical "assistance." When sick or hurting for whatever reason, I try to go without if at all possible. The way I see it, if my body's not right, sure I can mask it, but in the end, it's still screwed up, so I might as well see for myself when I'm back up and running.

So that was my first Friday of 2008. And even though I was sick, I didn't have a horrible day. Here's to hoping the next 51 are just as fun.



Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Nanja Ebeko says:

Beef jerky time.

There's plenty y'know.