Sunday, September 07, 2008

It's a Regional Thing, Right?

'Cause there's no reason McDonald's and Burger King should be leading the "Best Burger" poll.

I mean, sure, I like the Whopper and all, but better than Famous Star or the Double Double?

And what're we talking about here? The Big Mac? The Big n' Tasty?

It's gotta be a regional issue, right? Right?


Blogger Chang Kim said...

Hey man, I voted for In-N-Out.

Sun Sep 07, 11:42:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...

Well, I made it a public poll. I think that was the mistake. Foreigners thinking McDonald's is the bestest thing ever while the East Coast chains aren't even listed.

Mon Sep 08, 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger faded_girl said...

I personally like Jack in the Box and Carl's, though, the mom and pop burger places are even better.

Tue Sep 09, 09:26:00 PM  

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