Thursday, June 05, 2008

I'm An Idiot

This is a personal post more than anything, and by that, I mean it's more for me than any of you, but....

So a friend of mine recommended that I listen to some Joy Division about a year ago and the guy has great musical taste and knows some of what I like, so I take him up on the offer and, lo and behold, I enjoy them much as he said I would. So I've been listening to them for about a year.

I am also a fan of the Killers and they came out with a CD early this year called Shadowplay. I bought it not too long after it was released and found it was a couple of new things ensconced in some remixes and re-releases. But the titular song was, I thought, new to me.

Now, see, at this point, there are several of you thinking something to the effect of, "My GOD, man! You ARE an idiot!" And of course, I'd have to agree.

That's because the title song of the Killers CD is, in fact, a cover of a song by the very Joy Division which I had been thoroughly enjoying for about a year.

And the worst part? I only realized this on the plane back from Hawaii about a week ago. My only saving grace is that, because of the timing between when I bought the Killers CD (early February) and the time I realized my horrible mistake (late May), I can technically claim to have been an idiot for only 3 months, as opposed to the 4 full months it actually was.

I'd try to explain why I didn't make the connection before, but really, there's no excuse.


Stay tuned for my next post, where I cover my week long adventure in the dangerous and exotic Hawaiian Islands!


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