Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Quick Things


I expect y'all missed Editors. Except for Rob. Rob may've made it.

Well, I saw them twice this past weekend and both shows were pretty damned good. And that was just Editors. Louis XIV opened for Hot Hot Heat who opened for Editors and let me tell you, the entire bill was pretty bad ass.

Both times.


I'm watchin' The Godfather trilogy this week. In fact, I saw The Godfather for the first time ever last night. Decent, but not spectacular.

Though, it probably has a lot to do with the fact that
A) I already knew a fair deal about the movie itself, so it was like watching Sixth Sense knowing Bruce Willis was dead the whole time
B) I've probably seen a bunch of movies that look to The Godfather as a predecessor, so while I saw nothing particularly new, it's only because what I saw was built on this film's foundation
C) expectations were super high and the wait was too long - I watched it with a feeling of finally getting around to it, kinda like a chore as opposed to something new that took me completely by surprise.


You may've already heard, but Lis and I will be heading to Maui whilst we are in Hawaii. Flying over the 27th and heading back to CA on the 29th. Just in case you'd like to plan accordingly and possibly join us. Also, any suggestions about what to do over there would be appreciated by me.

That's about all for now.


Blogger Rob said...

Quite right - I saw them amidst a research trip to DC. This limited my ability to post about the experience. I'd like to, though posting about them now might seem a bit perfunctory.

Wed Feb 13, 12:25:00 PM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

2. Stop after number two. Disappointed you didn't like the first one all that much but you're probably onto something about why. I mean, there HAS to be an alt explanation. :)

3. Check the site for some recs on activities on Oahu. We can also give some Maui recs.

Fri Feb 15, 02:19:00 PM  

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