Thursday, January 31, 2008


If you'll notice the current results of the current "Look! A Poll!," at least one person has answered that I should make babies for an upcoming Super Bowl party.

I'm not sure how odd it is that I can, with little to no effort, think of at least 5 people off the top of my head who might vote that way. The reasons would vary, depending upon the vote caster, of course, from

-- wanting grandchildren to
-- simply hating babies to
-- enjoying the thought of babies on a spit roasting over an open flame. I'm not sure if they'd like to see them with or without diapers. I'm thinking the latter, but you could
always pack the diapers with, like, some sort of stuffing or herbal treatment for the rump.

But like I said: Interesting....


Blogger Chang Kim said...

I'll be damn impressed if you manage to conjure one up by Sunday.

Thu Jan 31, 11:10:00 AM  

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