Monday, January 28, 2008

Speaking of Hawaii...

I've decided on a hotel and a timeline! And by "I," I mean Lisa and I have finally settled (I think) on where we're stayin'.

So, from May 22nd to May 29, I'll be on Hawaii time. And my clock will be at the Aqua Palms & Spa.

Final arrangements are pending, like my flights and exactly what kinda room I'll be opting for, but that's the gist.

Now, I know what you're thinking:

"Why would anyone want to go to Hawaii?"
"Did you lose a bet or something?"
"Awww, geez, man. I'm sorry."
or possibly
"Witness re-location program, huh?"

And any other time, I'd feel the same way.

I mean, the place is... well, I'll try to keep my language clean for the lady folk, but the place is all heat and volcanoes and sand.

It's Mordor, really.

Only instead of being ringed by mountains, it's smack dab in the middle of the ocean. So really, it's worse than Mordor. 'Cause at least you can WALK OUT of Mordor.

And don't even get me started on the drunk drivers and the smoke monsters....

But speaking of drunk drivers, they can't be too bright (aside from the whole driving while drunk thing, even). C'mon, man! Where ya gonna go, dumbass?? They've only got one highway (oh, I'm sorry... INTERSTATE highway, pfft!), and it runs in a big circle! All the cops have to do is spot you and then wait 15 minutes for you to finish your loop, all the while eating out of their oat bags!

Okay. So I got myself started on the drunk drivers... but I digress.

I'm actually going 'cause one of my friends went and decided to marry a girl from Hawaii, who incidentally, is my friend too
(well maybe not so much after this post). And, well, there you go.

So I'm gonna go.

'Cause really, if you can't be there for a couple when they're getting married under the ever-watchful Eye of Sauron, then you can't be that good of a friend.

The only real question is, when'm I gonna have to go back there and cut off someone's finger?



Blogger Chang Kim said...

I'm counting on never having to cast my ring into the fiery chasm whence it came...

Tue Jan 29, 01:33:00 PM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

Oh, and I voted for seven layer dip. Not 'cause you're Mexican or anything. I just really love seven layer dip.

Tue Jan 29, 01:35:00 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I was just told that I can keep my original plans and if I have to work then, I'll just have to work. Yay!

Now everyone, wish that the briefing schedule in that case gets pushed back at least two weeks so there's no possibility of work while in Hawaii!

Tue Jan 29, 03:38:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...

Someone's already making a seven layer dip. Also, potato salad, short ribs, and wings. And possible meatballs.

I could just take cold cuts and rolls and such. Or burgers, but then we'd have to fire up the grill.

Fingers crossed, Lis!

Tue Jan 29, 04:38:00 PM  
Blogger Gina Fujikami said...

I'm not your friend anymore :(
Well, I guess I have to be because you are coming to the wedding...yay! Just this once, I'll forgive you.

Tue Jan 29, 06:43:00 PM  

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