Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fragmented TV

I've got every episode of the new season of Heroes on my DVR and I have no idea if I want to watch them.

I should want to. I should be burning to. I should have been clamoring to see what I missed while I was out of town. 'Cause the show should be that good.

But instead, we got that tripe to end the season and now I have little to no confidence in the show. But for some reason, I feel like I might be missing something. Like Lost. Like BSG.

Those shows were a struggle for me for a while there. But they had been compelling enough to keep me going. And them WHAM! Great payoff!

Will I get that from Heroes? I doubt it. But it could be there. It should be there. But I doubt it.

Any advice? Should I watch them or dump them?


Meanwhile, I'm kinda disappointed in House.

THAT was a great season finale, but they've totally backed off the thing that made it so wonderfully great.


What's with that?

However, the whole Survivor way of picking the new team is pretty damned fun. But the fact that 3 of them showed up for the Emmy's kinda blew the lid off of that one, didn't it?


As for new TV -

I'm watching Life, and I'm enjoying it, but part of me still expects Ron Livingston to show up as his drunk Army buddy.

I have Chuck on my DVR but haven't gotten around to that one. Want to, though.

I'm falling behind on Bionic Woman. I'm not in a terrible rush to catch up, though, so I won't be watching TV going "NNNAnananananananana...." But then again, neither is she.

Need to / WANT to catch up on Pushing Daises. I missed the pilot and so I've been meaning to see them online.

Anything I'm missing?


Blogger faded_girl said...

I love Pushing Daisies! :-)

Fri Nov 02, 04:35:00 PM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

I've stopped watching television, other than The Daily Show. It's pretty sad for this TV monger, but absolutely nothing excites me anymore, the one exception aside.

Tue Nov 06, 10:24:00 PM  

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