Hey Spielberg!

I was about to just move along and hope this is gonna be a decent movie. No ruckus, just hope. In fact, I LOVE that you brought back Karen Allen - the best and original Indy girl. I'll even take Shia LaBeouf. But I have one question:
Where the fuck is Sallah?

By all accounts, you haven't even contacted him. Pick up the phone, Steve. Pick it up.
Sad that there's no Sallah. And I guess everyone's so old, they decided no need for Dad or Brody.
Is it just me, or does Karen Allen look like she's had tons of work done?
But how can you not throw a bone to Sallah? He is the Monarch of the Sea!
As for Karen Allen - I dunno. When was the last time YOU saw her?
Quite right - she was truly the best of the three Indy ladies, and merits a place in any top 10 list of 80s heroines. I hope any reconstructive work she's had done since then doesn't prove too jarring.
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