Thursday, May 08, 2008

"Here he comes..."

Not sure about Speed Racer this weekend.

'Cause on the one hand, it could be surprising.

On the other, it could just be a complete and total bastardization of an oldie that had SO many aspects to it's signature style, anything but an absolute strict adherence to that style would make the entire attempt a travesty.

I think you can figure out where I think it'll end up.

But if you know me at all, you'll also know that, were I face to face with this film, I could easily tell it, "I'd take pleasure in guttin' you, boy."

So we'll see where I end up this weekend.


Blogger Rob said...

It looks abysmal. As one reviewer writes, the film resembles the upchuck of a child who ate the whole crayon set.

Sun May 11, 09:18:00 AM  
Blogger faded_girl said...

Apparently, a lot of people weren't diggin' it either as it came in second after Iron Man's 50 million with only 20.2 million and even though it was ahead of What Happens in Vegas, Vegas had a higher per screen average.

Mon May 12, 12:29:00 AM  
Blogger faded_girl said...

Oops, now it looks like it made even less - only 18.6 million.

Mon May 12, 09:29:00 PM  

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