Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Back!

AND I was the only one of six people who didn't end up puking at one point.

So good times!


Blogger Chang Kim said...

You always had an iron constitution. So was the cause food, water, or alcohol?

Tue Jul 01, 09:18:00 AM  
Blogger Drewby said...

1 Jack in the Box just before we left LA

1 due to alcohol
(8+ shots of tequila in less than 4 hours will do that to you [if you're not me])

4 due to deep fried, bacon-wrapped, cheese stuffed shrimp
(a- yup, that makes 6 cases, so one person got sick twice!
b-I actually think it was the cheese that got everyone
c- I had two of them, plus a small lobster and felt fine)

Tue Jul 01, 03:24:00 PM  

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