Monday, July 07, 2008

I'm back

I don't plan on going anywhere until late September, so I should be back to doing this relatively regularly at some point in the near future.

'Course, I've said that before, so we'll see how that goes.

But thus far this summer, not much has gone on:

The Kings are an ongoing saga, giving me good solid highs and questionable lows.

The summer movie season has been pretty slack. Iron man was pretty damn good, and Indy is more and more disappointing upon reflection. Batman holds tremendous promise, though and I want to see Wanted 'cause that just looks like a decent distraction. And not 'cause of Angelina Jolie 'cause I don't find her terribly attractive.

Mexico was fun, if not because of the great company and great location, then because I wasn't sick at any point and had no problems getting back over the border.

And I just saw my first four episodes of Deadwood this weekend. I'd always heard good things and never had a reason to doubt them, but it was a quality show and I'm looking forward to finally seeing it.

So, if anything else comes up, I'll let you know. The next big things on my radar at this point are Batman and Frozen Fury in September. And possibly a trip (or two) up to the Bay Area at some point. And maybe a trip to DC and Boston in October or so.

Other than that, I'll be around.


Blogger Rob said...

Deadwood is quite good. I'm looking forward to viewing the second season sometime this summer.

Also - I got through Sarah Connor Chronicles. I rather liked it in sum.

Mon Jul 07, 12:47:00 PM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

Dark Knight is getting absolutely rave reviews. I was scared to let my expectations get too high, but I've decided to just give into them. It's gonna be awesome.

Mon Jul 07, 03:22:00 PM  

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