Saturday, February 07, 2009

I Don't Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

Exhibit A
"Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence."

Exhibit B
for⋅tune [fawr-chuhn]
noun, verb, -tuned, -tun⋅ing. –noun
1. position in life as determined by wealth: to make one's fortune.
2. wealth or riches: to lose a small fortune in bad investments.
3. great wealth; ample stock of money, property, and the like: to be worth a fortune.
4. chance; luck: They each had the bad fortune to marry the wrong person.
5. fortunes. things that happen or are to happen to a person in his or her life.
6. fate; lot; destiny: whatever my fortune may be.
7. (initial capital letter) chance personified, commonly regarded as a mythical being distributing arbitrarily or capriciously the lots of life: Perhaps Fortune will smile on our venture.
8. good luck; success; prosperity: a family blessed by fortune.

Query: How does Exhibit A apply as any of the definitions of Exhibit B?

Response: I don't see how it does.

So stop putting that kinda crap in my FORTUNE COOKIE!!!!

Tell me an old friend will call me soon. Tell me I'll have the new work opportunity I've been hoping for. Hell, tell me my weekend will go better than I expected. I don't really care.

But quit putting in stupid crap in my cookies like the fact that my friends really like me (I know that, I'm awesome), or that I'm good at solving problems (
didn't we just discuss my awesomeness?). Those aren't fortunes. Those are random positive statements. And I don't need to be boosted up - I'm eating a cookie! Consider that mission already accomplished! I got a cookie!

There. Now I feel better. Anybody want a peanut?


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