Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fragmented TV

I've got every episode of the new season of Heroes on my DVR and I have no idea if I want to watch them.

I should want to. I should be burning to. I should have been clamoring to see what I missed while I was out of town. 'Cause the show should be that good.

But instead, we got that tripe to end the season and now I have little to no confidence in the show. But for some reason, I feel like I might be missing something. Like Lost. Like BSG.

Those shows were a struggle for me for a while there. But they had been compelling enough to keep me going. And them WHAM! Great payoff!

Will I get that from Heroes? I doubt it. But it could be there. It should be there. But I doubt it.

Any advice? Should I watch them or dump them?


Meanwhile, I'm kinda disappointed in House.

THAT was a great season finale, but they've totally backed off the thing that made it so wonderfully great.


What's with that?

However, the whole Survivor way of picking the new team is pretty damned fun. But the fact that 3 of them showed up for the Emmy's kinda blew the lid off of that one, didn't it?


As for new TV -

I'm watching Life, and I'm enjoying it, but part of me still expects Ron Livingston to show up as his drunk Army buddy.

I have Chuck on my DVR but haven't gotten around to that one. Want to, though.

I'm falling behind on Bionic Woman. I'm not in a terrible rush to catch up, though, so I won't be watching TV going "NNNAnananananananana...." But then again, neither is she.

Need to / WANT to catch up on Pushing Daises. I missed the pilot and so I've been meaning to see them online.

Anything I'm missing?

Monday, October 22, 2007

London Pictures! (finally)

So I had to upload over 500 pictures, find a place to post the page, write the page, and do all that stuff, but finally, after 3 weeks, you get to see pictures!

That above isn't one of them (though you should know where it's from [Annaka excluded, of course]), but you can see them by heading here for a snazzy slideshow or here for just the thumbnails.

And about the penis: I typed it all out here if you're interested. =D

And now that I've got a domain for a year, maybe I'll be a little more prone to do some other stuff.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

So I've Been Lazy.

Been back for a while now and still no pictures.

What can I say? I took over 500 and uploading them has been like a second job. But they're all up now, meaning I can turn my attention to the slideshow.

But not only do I have to do that, but I have to find a host for a web page. Any suggestions would be welcome so I can post this stuff with no ads. And maybe move my blog over there.

Just a quick recap on things, though:
Vegas was fun and the Kings won in a shootout. And I think I lost less than $100 at the tables, so good trip all around.

Then I saw Editors in concert at the Wiltern the night before I left for London.

I'm usually not a big concert guy. Not a terrible amount of experience. Sure, I've seen DMB about 6 times. The Killers. Seen the Strokes twice. Went to an STP show back in the day. And I've seen Barenaked Ladies. The Police and Foo Fighters. Coldplay, I've seen twice.

But this show blew them all out of the water. Goddamn, it was good. The first opener was good. The second opener was a'ight. But then Editors from beginning to end rocked socks off. These guys were bad-ass and their energy was amazing. If you ever get the chance....

Then there was London. I was smart enough to adjust my time on the plane, so when I got there, I had no jet lag. But then I had a problem with my hotel, so I was really glad I had no jet lag. But once that got settled, things went swimmingly.

Met up with some friends, saw most of the sites. Got pretty buzzed a few times. Had a guy's penis on our table in the middle of a pub called the Spread Eagle (which was not a gay bar, no matter what it sounds like). Saw the Kings dominate the Ducks then saw the Kings get dominated by the Ducks. Did a TON of walking, even though the Underground may be one of the bestest things ever. Took pictures around London with my jerseys on. Saw Stonehenge.

And am I the only person this side of the Atlantic who likes British food?? It's all meat and potatoes and gravy with the occasional fish & chips! And they have really good cheese with breakfast!

So anyway - pictures will be forthcoming once I get things set up.

And since then, I've just been trying to catch up on stuff. I'd missed the start of the new Fall TV season. I'm just about there at work. And I have a wedding next weekend, so I gotta get ready for that.

Oh, and the Kings still suck, but that was to be expected.

I'll try to get back to blogging more regularly again. And if I get the new site set up at all. I'll let you know.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

I'm Back

So after about 10 days of hard living, I'm back from my travels. Got back from the UK on Tuesday night.

Las Vegas and London were both pretty fun and I have pictures that I'll have to upload some time soon. I'm thinking of doing another web thing Like I did with Seattle, but it'll take some time given that I took well over 500 pictures.

And I saw what may have been the best concert I'd ever seen between Vegas and London when I saw Editors at the Wiltern last Monday.

So, I'll get back to you all soon, but for now, I still have to unpack.