Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Little Help?

Can anyone please explain:

Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hey House...


That's some freakin' great TV, doc!

Ballsy -- that's what that is!

Freaking great finale! Unexpected, but totally in keeping! And it makes so much sense now that you look back on it!

Better than Lost.

Incomparably better than Heroes (EFF YOU!).

And even at this moment, I'd say... I may have to say it... better than the Office (which was pretty goddamn good).

I can not wait for next season!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hey, LOST...

That's the way to do it, baby.

I admit I was concerned during the whole half-season off the beach, but you followed that up big time. And you even made some really good use of that whole Hurley feel-good episode with Ben's dad and the Run-Over-The-Others Fun Bus! And then there was Kate looking all hot at the end.

Way to go, Losers. Way to go.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hey, Heroes...!


Except you Hiro. You're still cool. Mostly.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Summer Fun

So, I'm looking for something to do this summer.

I mean, for six months or so, I have hockey.

Alright, more than 6 months. Preseason camps start in July and goes through August in various forms. Then there's the preaseason in September. Season starts in October and goes on through at least April. Then, there's the playoffs to follow
'til June, but the past couple of years no games to attend.

So I plan on headin' to a few different things. There's the Dodgers, but baseball is kinda slow. Still, I'll try to make it to a few games. Then there's the Galaxy. I've already got tickets to a Galaxy/Chivas game in September (Beckham should be Stateside by then), but I might wanna go sooner.

But then there's Lacrosse. Yup, lacrosse. Last season was the inaugural season of the LA Riptide.

Anyway, the home season's about 6 games and I was thinking of tryin it out. I've watched it on TV a few times - some indoor, some college. And it might be fun.

Ooh, and there's Foo Fighters and the Police in late June! That should be good (even though this chick I'm going with ain't exactly the funnest monkey in the barrel). =P

So anyway, that's the idea for now, but any thoughts / suggestions / comments would be welcome.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Weekend Review

Saw Hot Fuzz and Spidey 3 this weekend.

I had expectations for Hot Fuzz. And while it wasn't quite what I expected, it certainly measured up. Great story, lots of funny stuff, an action-packed ending, and an amazingly complete film altogether. And I never thought I'd say this, but I need to see Point Break again.

As for Spidey... well.... One could gather the dropping of a horse, an elephant, an orangutan and a whale and debate the merits of each, but why even bother? In the end, it's all just a big pile of crap.

Okay. Maybe that was a bit harsh.

But probably not.


Oh! And in an unrelated note, I added the Comic Stylings of Natalie Dee to my sidebar for your convenience and enjoyment.

I do it 'cause I like you, and because I enjoy them, and because it's convenient for me. And it's good for Natalie. It's win-win-win.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Just got back from lunch...

and one of you needs to get to Best Buy and get me a digital voice recorder.

This blog seriously suffers from not having my immediate thoughts on a subject while I'm on a roll. And I think a voice recorder might help resolve that problem.

Tiger Woods? The BCS? The Lady in the Green Accord?

All quality posts lost once the heat of the moment was gone.

And don't get me started on the one I had while I was in the mall parking lot! Pure gold!

Or even the stuff I yell at my TV. (frikin' Heroes!)

Most of what you guys get happens while I'm at my computer, or simple projects that I can plan around. I think that's why I go so far between posts sometimes.

I'd go and do it, but

A) I never think of doing it while I'm there,

B) I get to hear all this stuff, so I don't really benefit and

C) I'm cheap and lazy.

So anyway, you should
take one for the team.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

** Sigh **

So, I bought Guitar Hero II for my 360 a couple of weeks ago. It comes with a white guitar.

I happened to have a few things lying around and, well...

It's a sickness. A wonderful, disgusting sickness. And I don't think I want help.