Friday, May 04, 2007

Just got back from lunch...

and one of you needs to get to Best Buy and get me a digital voice recorder.

This blog seriously suffers from not having my immediate thoughts on a subject while I'm on a roll. And I think a voice recorder might help resolve that problem.

Tiger Woods? The BCS? The Lady in the Green Accord?

All quality posts lost once the heat of the moment was gone.

And don't get me started on the one I had while I was in the mall parking lot! Pure gold!

Or even the stuff I yell at my TV. (frikin' Heroes!)

Most of what you guys get happens while I'm at my computer, or simple projects that I can plan around. I think that's why I go so far between posts sometimes.

I'd go and do it, but

A) I never think of doing it while I'm there,

B) I get to hear all this stuff, so I don't really benefit and

C) I'm cheap and lazy.

So anyway, you should
take one for the team.


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