Sunday, February 18, 2007

I'm on a freaking ROLL !!

Anyway, here're two reasons you should be watching 30 Rock (Thursday nights after Scrubs).

I figure you're not watching 'cause, let's face it, I really like it and that bodes ill for them. Except for Rob. Rob may enjoy this as much as me (stay strong brutha!).

First off - Captain Needa

Then, there's Alec Baldwin

You should also be watching The Office (on just before Scrubs), but I don't have handy links for them.


Blogger Rob said...

"Captain Needa dies - he dies!!" - that is truly hilarious.

I had heard that this was the better of the two shows (versus the Sorkin one) . . . perhaps I should heed your advice.

Mon Feb 19, 05:14:00 AM  
Blogger Drewby said...

I'm still enjoying Studio 60, but 30 Rock is pretty darn good.

Plus, I heart Tina Fey.

Tue Feb 20, 12:28:00 AM  

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