Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Sleeping Problems Solved (if there were any)

I might start using Rozerem.

It's a drug advertised on TV to help with sleeping disorders and insomnia.

Not that I have any of these problems. I'd sleep all day if it weren't for things like work or hockey.

Nope. I just like the commercial.

Abe Lincoln, a guy in a diver's suit, and a gopher with a fork who seems to be eating bacon and eggs. The visuals alone made me stop fast-forawarding through Studio 60. Then I watched it, and the gopher accuses Abe of cheating at chess, pointing his little fork at him. That pretty much sealed the deal.

So, in true Drewby tradition, Rozerem is now my sleep aid of choice.

Oh, and since Old Navy scrapped those really bad ads, I'm also planning on going there 'cause I need a pair of jeans.

I'm still undecided about Campbell's Chunky Soup, though. I love their Chunky Clam Chowder, and winter is coming. But I don't care much for Ben Roethlisberger's mom.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

Helloooo, Honest Abe.


You sure it's a gopher? I coulda sworn it was a beaver. It is a guy's dream, after all.

Tue Oct 24, 11:05:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...

It was something along those lines.

But it has a fork and it's eating bacon and eggs!

Wed Oct 25, 08:04:00 PM  

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