Thursday, August 24, 2006

In The Kitchen with Drew

The past coupla nights, I've gotten all culinary and decided to do some serious cookin'.

I hardly ever get to have any really nice fish, seeing as how it doesn't keep well for long, so I went and picked up some Sockeye Salmon on Wednesday. And while the guy was wrapping it up, he asked if I wanted anything else. It seems I also wanted some imitation crab meat, so he gave me that too.

Now, I'm a simple man. Not one for elaborate sauces or long, involved recipes that require tons of forethought and days of planning, and I think that shows with my first two entries here.

Wednesday Night : Baked Salmon

While I was at the market, I also picked up a white potato and some green beans.

Skinned the potato and sliced it. Cleaned the beans and steamed 'em. A little salt and pepper on the salmon with a little olive oil, and then into the oven with the potatoes and half hour later...

It was quite nice.

Thursday Night : Crab Salad

Tonight I didn't really have any plans for when I got home, so I thought about a few things before I remembered the crab meat. At first, I was gonna just have the crab by itself, but then I struck on the idea of crab salad: a little mayo and some salt and pepper.
Kinda like tuna.

That was good, but I felt like it could be more finished, so into the oven! Opened up a roll of crescent rolls and 'bout 15 minutes later...

Now, if you don't like mayo, it might not be for you, but as far as simple goes, this was pretty good.

I think I'm gonna try Chicken and Rice next week....


Blogger Chang Kim said...

Very impressive. Sadly, I can't remember the last time I cooked.

Thu Aug 24, 10:35:00 PM  
Blogger Gina Fujikami said...

I'm impressed, too! The salmon dish looks good, but I'll pass on the crab meat one since I'm not a big mayo fan. Keep experimenting! :O)

Fri Aug 25, 12:12:00 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Impressive! I haven't cooked yet in my new place, unless you count making salads and boiling water. Maybe I'll try my hand at it tonight...

Fri Aug 25, 10:09:00 AM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

By the way, I'm not sure if I forgot to mention, but you are cooking for me and Andrew opening weekend. We'll call it rent.


Mon Aug 28, 03:47:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...

Okay, I'm game. Sunday dinner - What'm I making?

Wed Aug 30, 06:11:00 PM  

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