Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lemme Check My Laptop, Howie....

So, I came across this thing on the web.

After seeing only one episode of "Deal or No Deal" I wondered how much the banker should be offering when he calls down from his oddly dark little booth. Obviously, when the big numbers come down, the offer drops. When there're a lot of big numbers on the board, the offer has to be high in order to get the contestant to quit.

But what should the offers be?

this guy thinks he's figured it out. I dunno how accurate he is, but it gives you something to play with next time you watch.

Lemme know how it turns out! (if anyone's still watching, that is)


Blogger Chang Kim said...

I don't watch regularly, but I still catch the show on occasion, and I'll be sure to bust this out next time.

Wed May 17, 04:47:00 PM  

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