Friday, May 05, 2006

Frikin' Google! And Damn Da Vinci!

I'm stuck on one of these Da Vinci Quest puzzles and it's seriously starting to upset me.

It's the last "Geography" puzzle. The actual zigsaw part is fine, of course. The city, I know. Then it asks you to find 4 "blades" hidden around the city. Three of them are ridiculously obvious. The 4th one, however, I find to be a bit more well hidden.

I've tried sort of reverse engineering the 3 easily locatable "blades" in order to discern clues as to what makes those locations significant, but so far nothing to link all three. I've tried to take a separate view of the entire puzzle, looking for alrger shapes within the city's layout, but no go. I've even litterally thought outside the box, looking for one buried in the border of the map, but nothing there either.

At this point, I'm guessing it's somewhere in Hyde Park, but without my copy of the book handy, I have no idea where the significant places in the park might be.

When I figure this out (and I will), I know I'm gonna be very dissapointed. One of those so-obvious -it's-hidden kind of things that's gonna wanna make me smack someone.


Blogger Drewby said...

Found the bugger! I swear, I clicked on that dang spot about 40 times!

Anyway, all caught up now. I'm gonna miss the Symbol challenges. They were by far the most fun.

Oh, and it didn't take me all day. It took about a half hour today, but I slept til 2:30. :)

Sat May 06, 04:39:00 PM  

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