Tuesday, April 11, 2006

How about tree-fitty?

Another day, another reason to be glad to be American.

Or at least, glad to not be Malayasian. More specfically, a Malaysian with a phone. Otherwise, you might end up like this guy:

Man Gets $218 Trillion Phone Bill

I know some of you guys have really good jobs, but I personally don't have that kind of money.

On the bright side, the phone company did give him ten days to pay before they prosecute him, so that's something. If someone owed me $218 trillion, I dunno if I'd give 'em 10 days. All he's gotta do is raise $2.18 trillion a day. Easy, peasy, Malyasia-nesey.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

I heard about this on Jim Rome this morning.

Talk about piling on a guy who just lost his father.

Tue Apr 11, 11:33:00 AM  
Blogger Drewby said...

I like how the phone company's unidentified official is trying to make it sound like it's a small thing.

"Telekom Malaysia was aware of Yahaya's case and would address it."

'Cause $218 trillion in two months is a reasonable amount and they'll need to investigate.

Wed Apr 12, 12:20:00 PM  

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