Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Do Fish Need Knees?

Daunte Culpepper - Miami Dolphin.

Odd kind of ring to it. For the non-football peeps out there, Daunte is/was one of the better QBs in the NFL. He's big (6'4" 260 lbs), strong and mobile. And the only reason for the "is/was" is 'cause nobody's quite sure about the guy at the moment. Last season, he tore not one, not two, but three (!!) ligaments in his knee. It hurts me just thinking about it. He wanted out of Minnesota and today, he was traded to Miami for a second round pick in next year's (2007) draft.

Is he worth it? Well, 12 months ago, this deal woulda been a huge steal, but when you have a guy who's gonna have the inside of his knee re-built, it's maybe a little bit of a gamble. If he plays and can return to form, then it'll finally give the 'Phins some relief from their QB woes. And he's only 29, so it will actually give them a while to find the next "next" QB. If he's able to partially come back, he's still probably better than whoever they were gonna have. If he fails miserably in his comeback attempt, well, it's a 2nd rounder, but in a draft that no one is really even thinking about right now.

But I find myself kinda bummed about Drew Brees. He's a QB who had been with the San Diego (Super) Chargers, but his coach never really seemed to believe in him. And then in the last game of the season, and his contract, he's left out maybe a little too long and completley screws up his throwing shoulder*. Now, Brees is a high priced free agent with a questionable shoulder and a big price tag. Apparently not big enough to scare off the New Orleans Saints, who signed Brees not long after Culpepper signed**.

So Miami had to choose between the high priced re-constructed knee and the higher priced re-constructed shoulder. They went with the knee.

I'm kinda pissed they have no chance at one of the top QBs in the draft, though. Frikin' Nick Saban - how dare you? We were supposed to suck!

*I had been hoping for a few hours that the Dolphins mighta drafted Brees a few years ago. They had a late first round pick, Brees had slipped down the draft board to them, and they went with a receiver. Sure, it was Chris Chambers, but I'd have rather had a QB for all the good Chambers has done us.

**I'm not sure how happy Matt Leinart is about that, but he went to USC, so F him. But with my luck (and yes, the world does in fact revolve around me [and to a lesser extent, Emmanuel Lewis]), he'll go to a good team that moves up in the draft to get him.


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