Monday, February 27, 2006

Oh, Please.

So I'm about to go to bed tonight when I see that the end of The Waterboy is on. I'm finishing some stuff up so I put it on.

One of my favorite parts of the movie involves Farmer Fran and his nipples. Strange to say, I know, but if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway....

That part of the movie's about to come on, so I turn to watch. Bobby let's go of the ball... the music comes to a cresendo... and they cut to... Coach Red Beaulieu strangling his team's mascot.

Excuse me, and while this doesn't happen much around here, I have to say:


Where's the shot of shirtless Farmer Fran arching his back and pinching his nipples as a smile breaks on his face?? It's 11:55pm, the shot has no sexual overtones whatsoever, they JUST showed a shot of him cheering in the crowd. He has no shirt and he's got shiny nipple rings. And I've seen the movie I dunno how many times in the middle of the freakin' day and that shot's been in there every time!

"What channel am I on?" is the thought that eventually comes into my head after confusion and bewilderment make enough space.

ABC Family. The same network that's shown Alias repeats and just now aired a commercial with a teen-age girl in a bubble bath, her one knee above the bubbles as a bewildered teen-aged boy stands gawking. Oh, but wait. It's for their show "Wild Fire" that airs on that network. Okay.

Not only am I stunned that they chose to replace the shot (all 5 seconds of it, if that), but I find it ironic what they replaced it with: a grown man choking a college student in a mascot costume. So, mano-a-mano violence is okay, but a guy pinching his nipples is not. I see how it works.

I guess South Park was right. Again. You can have a little boy take a nijna star to the eye and then dress him as a dog, but that gets trumped by a naked fat kid every time.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

In defense of the station, it might have been trimmed for time. Top Gun was on TV the other night, and I was quoting lines before they happen, as I am wont to do, and a lot of them never happened, including the segueway into the not-for-TV volleyball scene:

Slider: Crash and burn, huh Mav?
Maverick: Slider...(sniff) stink. (queue Kenny Loggins' Playing With the Boys)

I'm pretty sure the above wasn't excised for any reason other than time. :)

Movies on TV, while strangely compelling, even when I own them on DVD, still blow when it comes to editing and language.

Iceman: You're still dangerous. (smiles) You can be my wingman any time.
Maverick: You can be mine.

Doesn't carry the same zing without the bullshit.

Mon Feb 27, 10:29:00 AM  
Blogger Drewby said...

Well, I can't speak to the editing of the rest of the movie, as I only caught the end. But 3 seconds? Dude. That still just blows.

But you bring up a valid point, and 12 hous later, while I;m still dissapointed, I'm a little less angry.

Mon Feb 27, 11:58:00 AM  

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