Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Damn Mexicans!

Oh no! My second favorite MLS team might just drop a few places in my heart.

Due to protest in the Houston area, Houston 1836 are seriously considering changing their shiny new month-old name. While the general Houston population might take immense pride in the year the city was founded, some in the Mexican-American community (or as they will from this point be referred to: "Downers") don't seem to like the fact that 1836 was also the year Texas won it's independence from Mexico. Some "Downers" think the name insulting and offenseive.

Of course they do. They are American, after all. And while they may well be Mexican-American, what could be more American nowadays than being offended at the mere hint of something that could be interpreted as offensive. And by something as innocuous as the name of a professional sports team. And an MLS team at that!

I kind of want to go into this whole thing about team names and where I can see a case to protest (Washington Redskins) and where I wanna slap a protester (Florida State Seminoles), but it'd be long and drawn out and I really don't wanna get into the nuances of my thoughts about political correctness, racial/ethnic attitudes and conflicts, and the general landscape of American sensitivity. Let's just say that this kinda thing gets me all worked up.

But in the particular case of Houston and this piddly soccer team's nickname, I wanna make this point: Texans in general are some of the most proud people I have ever met about where they come from. 1836 was a year when Texans, comprised of groups of many ethnicities, former Mexicans included, were able to stand up and say together and for the first time "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!" I'm not even from Texas and I think that's pretty cool. And how can the "Downers" argue with independence and the founding of the city?

I have to admit, though, that there is a part of me that hopes they do eventually change their name. It's the part of me that's gonna buy a hat or jersey as soon as possible. Can you say "collector's item"?


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