Monday, February 20, 2006

And the Downers Win

The former Houston 1836, formerly the San Jose Earthquakes, have caved in to the pressure and have decided to change their name.

While it is the wuss thing to do, it is also the smart thing (sadly, most of the time the two are intertwined). Why alienate the very community that you're counting on in order to make you successful?

And so the search for a new name begins.

The second choice seemed to be the Houston Lone Star. Not as cool. Also, not as available. At least accorinding to Jamey Rootes, the owner of Lone Star Sports and Entertainment. Seems he may be getting all lawyered up to defend his name.

They're gonna end up being called the Toros or something generic like that and I'm gonna be very dissapointed. Especially since I wasn't even able to get my hat!


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