Wednesday, March 01, 2006

105 Minutes, Kinda Felt Like 525,600

So, I saw Rent last Friday night with Lisa.


You can ask her.

I think I have to watch it again.

I've been trying to write about it, but it's like I'm choked up.

I need to focus my disbelief, annoyance, and rage.

More to come.


Blogger Tangentially Yours said...

That's a brilliant title...


Thu Mar 02, 07:23:00 PM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

You knew you didn't want to see it, you saw it anyway, you didn't like it, as expected, and you want to see it again?

It's time to let this one go.

Thu Mar 02, 09:35:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...

Thing is, there was some good stuff in there, which is annoying 'cause it gets choked off by the musical format. That and some of the annoying characters.

Point is, there's a lot of stuff to sift through. Dunno if I'll be able to write about it though. It's a pretty visceral feeling.

And thanks, KAMI! Who knew I had readers!

Fri Mar 03, 12:13:00 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I have an idea - the next time Drew comes up to visit, let's have a musical party. We can watch Rent (which I now own), Chicago, Sound of Music, Singin' in the Rain, Mary Poppins. Any other suggestions?

Fri Mar 03, 08:23:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...


I'll watch 'em. I actually never got around to seeing Chicago, and I actually had hopes for that one.

And we have to add The Producers to the list.

Sat Mar 04, 12:18:00 AM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

You forgot a big one from that list. Actually, a bigger, longer & and uncut one.

Sun Mar 05, 12:48:00 AM  
Blogger Drewby said...

You're right! I own that. I need to see it again.

Sun Mar 05, 11:00:00 AM  

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