Is My iPod Psychic?

No. Of course it's not.
Does it happen to, at certain times, play the perfect song for a moment?
Does it happen to know that I'm thinking that I'm really in the mood for a certain song and then play said song shortly thereafter?
I dunno if it knows, but it happens.
Can we chalk this up to random coincidence? A convergence of the iPod's shuffle timing, my thought processes, the influence of previous songs on my mind set and those of the iPod, and the pure randomness of everyday life?
We could.
But I always just figured my iPod is really just a shell filled with a camera and a receiver.
And that hundreds of miles away, in a little room, eating chips with the crumbs falling all over his multi-color sweater-covered belly, sits a little gnome named Willy who watches me from his little gnome-sized console, playing the music from my playist at the times he feels are apropos.
'Cause really, what is there for gnomes to do nowadays?
No more cobblers or haberdashers to work for in the dead of night.
People put all sorts of other things in their yards.
Besides, cats run rampant.
And if they choose to steal underpants, well, from what I hear, an increasing number of people are going without anyways, so it's no big loss.
Sure, there's that Travelocity guy, but he's, like, the Kevin Spacey of gnomes. He's just really good!
Anyway.... Thanks, Willy! You've been doing a bang-up job. Oh, and... uh... you've.. got some salsa on your beard.
So what was the song/moment combination that pushed you over the edge to write this piece?
I had mentioned my iPod a couple of times in a message to a friend, and there was a response to that message which, of course, required a response.
This piece was initially intended as part of that response.
However, as the thought took hold, it expanded, and became too long to enter as part of that response.
It eventually found it's way here where I present it to you, my loyal readers.
All 4 of you.
Who are your four readers? I'd venture to say you have more than four readers.
I, too, have had this same experience with my Nano. But also, there have been times when I've really really wanted to listen to a particular song and it takes forever to play. :-(
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