Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We Hardly Knew Ye

Steve Irwin.

I hope you're coping with his sudden and surprisingly shocking loss over the weekend. I find it odd that people are as moved as they are by his loss, and yet it seems perfectly natural. The guy was a phenomenon, whose combination of boyish enthusiasm and pure manley ballsiness made him instantly likeable. That and his trademark "Croikey!"

I know, the guy was filming a movie on animals in the ocean that could kill you, and, y'know, irony and all, but still.

Now I'm hearing that not only was he was speared through the chest, but that the bastard manged to pull the dang spear out in the moments before the deadly ray’s venom made it’s way to his heart.

The man was a badass.

A Fosters and a tip of my safari hat to The Crocodile Hunter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can't help but wonder if he actually yelled out 'crickey' as he got speared... or thought it under water.

Wed Sep 27, 09:52:00 PM  

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