Friday, February 16, 2007

Two posts in a week??

What's goin' on here?

Well, it's not everyday a cat tries to commit suicide. And it's even rarer for that cat to include me in his plans. And when that day comes, I figure it's pretty blogworthy.

So I'm driving home from my sister's 'bout 8:30 tonight. I turn onto a pretty dimly lit residential street a block from my apartment. Ahead and on my left are a couple of guys talking out in their yard. I also see a light beige cat streak across the street and behind a parked car.

Nothing noteworthy.

I ease up on the gas a bit 'cause there may be kids riding bikes or something and on this dimly lit street, other little critters may be around and they may be harder to see than Beigey McKitty up ahead.

Nothing unusual going on here.

And as I'm passing by, I barely see it in the corner of my eye.

Behind the parked car, Beigey's been waiting, hoping for his chance to end it all. As I come even with his hiding spot, he darts out from behind the tires and seemingly straight across my path!

He covers the 6 or so feet between me and the parked car in a flash and before I realize it, there's a bright flare of my headlights on his light fur. I give a quick jerk on the wheel to the right and hit the breaks. Then there's the "thump!" of his weight against my car coming from...

the driver's side rear window?

What the hell?

I pull over to see what happened. No cat anywhere to be seen. I look around and then I hear...

"He's alright. He ran away."

Apparently, the two guys saw the whole thing. Beigey was behind the car, jumped out into my path, decided there was something worth living for, and jumped. He tried to make it over my car, but he ended up catching me on the corner where the trunk meets the rear window. That was the thump. He then hit the ground, but was up and away, seemingly none too harmed.

So anyway, thought I'd share that.


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