Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Oh My Geeky Lord!

Have you ever wanted to find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy?

Are you, too, going to head to Taashi Station to pick up some power converters?

Need to sell your speeder? Or find a ship that'll make at least point five past light speed?

Are you sure these aren't the droids I'm looking for?

If you answered "Yes" to any of those questions, then you may want to head to Tatooine. Or, as it is better known here on Earth, Tunisia.

It turns out the sets that were built for Episode 4 have been kept up and, in some cases, lived in all these years! And now, the spots are becoming a serious tourist attraction.

Oh, that's right, my friends!

You can visit Uncle Owen's moisture farm! In fact, sleep there - it's a hotel called Sidi Driss
! And when you go to the bar there, pick your own saber fight with the hairy guy next to you, 'cause you're where they shot the cantina scene!

I can't use enough exclaimation points !!!!!!

A quick check for round trip tickets showed up as nearly $5k, but if you've got the drive and the right guide, this could be your best chance to visit a galaxy far, far away.

Just watch out for the Sand People.


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