Monday, May 07, 2007

Weekend Review

Saw Hot Fuzz and Spidey 3 this weekend.

I had expectations for Hot Fuzz. And while it wasn't quite what I expected, it certainly measured up. Great story, lots of funny stuff, an action-packed ending, and an amazingly complete film altogether. And I never thought I'd say this, but I need to see Point Break again.

As for Spidey... well.... One could gather the dropping of a horse, an elephant, an orangutan and a whale and debate the merits of each, but why even bother? In the end, it's all just a big pile of crap.

Okay. Maybe that was a bit harsh.

But probably not.


Oh! And in an unrelated note, I added the Comic Stylings of Natalie Dee to my sidebar for your convenience and enjoyment.

I do it 'cause I like you, and because I enjoy them, and because it's convenient for me. And it's good for Natalie. It's win-win-win.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

Favorite moment of Hot Fuzz: when Butterman shoots into the air after failing to pull the trigger on his father.

Mon May 07, 06:15:00 PM  

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