Monday, August 27, 2007

Barrack + Hillary = DOOM

Well, I teased this last week but didn't get around to posting it, so here's the gist.

I've been thinking this a while, and I've tried to post this a couple of times, but I never got to the end of it 'cause I end up rambling on the multiple complaints I've silently had about the Democrats the last two elections.

I normally don't post political stuff, 'cause while I consider the topic every once in a while, it's not a subject on which I tend to have lengthy, serious thoughts. And this post is barely going to qualify. Truthfully, though, and it may be that those few of me who know me well can vouch for this: my off-the-cuff, non-pondered thinking tends to be some of my best, sharpest thinking.

I'm gonna say a coupla things that, to me, seem starkly obvious and really unavoidable, but I haven't heard it mentioned much. Then again, the "news" media pisses me off even when they're not covering Paris Hilton, so maybe I missed it.

But here it is:

Do we really think this country is ready to elect
A) A woman whose husband, while terribly popular, had an elicit affair in the White House or
B) a black man named Barack Obama?

Y'know, maybe I'm being a bit pessimistic, but then again, we're talking about the American voting public here, so I can't think I'm too far off base by underestimating them.

**cough** **Bush** **cough** **twice** **cough**

And it's not as if Republicans are gun-shy about being divisive and scaring the hell out of the undecided folks. Between gay marriage, abortion, gun control, terrorism, national security, religion, and "family values" there're a lot of cracks in the Democratic armor. Do we want add a few more?

Putting these two in the national spotlight, while terribly inspiring and, I'm sure, completely capable, just seems to me to be a very risky, though admirable, gamble.

To borrow a phrase from Aaron Sorkin: "America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight."

It's something the Democratic Party has failed to realize and something they've failed to take into account during their recent campaigns.
And this "Hey, we're not Republicans. We didn't cause this mess" routine didn't cut it last time around.

You have to take the time to explain that hey, just because I want you to have choices doesn't mean we have to agree.

I think you have the right to burn a flag, but I wouldn't do it.

I'd never counsel my wife or daughter to have an abortion under any circumstances, but a 43 year-old businessman from Vermont shouldn't be making that decision for a 19 year-old rape victim in Seattle, y'know?

And just because you think it's inhumane to torture suspected terrorists doesn't mean you stood up and applauded when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center.

So if you can't explain that, why heap even MORE reason to second guess? Why give the other side more fuel to spread fear?

The candidates are qualified. They're progressive. They may be able to lead this country in the right direction. But they're different. And I just seriously doubt if they can win. And no way any of the reasonable moderate Republicans make it out of the primaries.

So where would that leave us? And who would that leave us with?

Maybe "doom" is overstating it a bit, but still....

Monday, August 20, 2007


NOW he's a horrible person.

See how that works?

Funny thing is, he's going to jail 'causa the gambling, not the dogs.

Carry on.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Drew Goes to the Theatre

So about a week ago Wednesday, a friend tells me she's gonna go down to the Pantageas to go see a musical with some friends. Do I want to join?

The only reason I didn't answer immediately was because I wanted to make sure I could go. I did and I could, so a week ago yesterday, I went to see Wicked.

I wrote about Rent and musicals in general some time last year (linky & linkerton) and as most of you could have guessed before I saw Rent, I hated the living bejesus out of it. Man was that a horrible piece of tripe!

I mean, GEEZ!

So anyway, I saw Wicked....

I mean GEEZ!

Was that a great show or what??

I mentioned last year that the premise was novel, and that was enough to get me interested. But the way they pull that off... frikin' brilliant !! Whoever came up with that one (and I'm too lazy to check) shoulda helped George Lucas with the prequels. How she goes from simple green girl to public enemy #1 is not only compelling and completely understandable, but also very much in keeping with her character.

Meanwhile, the whole thing's funny as hell (inasmuch as hell is funny). To quote Monica "Joke, joke, joke-joke-joke!" Witty, quick, smart and laced with any number of inside jokes from the Wizard of Oz, this coulda been Sorkin! Right up my alley (inasmuch as I have an alley).

And then the actors were amazing. It's a stage show and a musical, so there's gotta be a degree of ham in there, right? Okay? Accepted? Just a touch of overacting to get the point across?

Wrong. Expressive while being intimate, everyone gives a detailed and convincing performance without strutting around like a blowhard. Obviously the performance was better for it, letting you sink into moments instead of being pushed into them. And it was nice to see Carol Kane!

"But Drew, what about the singing? You hate singing!"

You're right. I do. Kinda.

I hate singing out of context. 40 people in a restaurant breaking into song about their bohemian lifestyles? Please.

But 2 kids breaking into song about their prospects and friendship in a land of witches, wizards and munchkins? One of the characters is a talking goat! If you're suspending disbelief this far....

Plus, the songs are nowhere near as pretentious or out of place. They fit within the structure of the surroundings and they work very well in that context. Add to that the fact that these actors were nailing them melodies like hammers and it all just added up.

So if ya get the chance. I think you should go see it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What Can I Say?

I'm filled with lies and deceit. I waited a couple more days. I can get to it now, but first:

I got something in the mail yesterday. Something for my refrigerator. Some, if not most, of you will have gotten it or will be getting it soon. It was surprising, but a nice reminder, and I'm starting to get excited about the date.

After all, I've never been to a lesbian wedding before.




So Bonds hit number 756 last week. I'd been doing something else when I heard, so I flipped to ESPN and went to Yahoo! Sports to see the fuss. And this is what came up.

It's not something "clever" that was put togother in Photoshop by me or some other
internet person. This is an actual screenshot of the headline on Yahoo! Sports that was put up right after Bonds hit the home run.

I continue to be baffled by the media on this one. Yes, the guy is the biggest prick in the
world. Yes, it's very, very, very probable that he took steroids. Knowingly. And yes, it's a little sad that a record set by someone of such class and dignity, who faced tremendous social pressure, has been broken by a giant douche.

But there's Ken Caminiti, a former MVP who admitted to taking steroids. Jose Canseco
is now making a LIVING on the fact that he used. Jason Giambi plays in NY for the YANKEES has been caught using. That guy the Angels signed for $50 million dollars this past summer has tested positive. Mark McGwire was suspected as he set the single season record, but that was a whisper. Sosa's gotten a lot bigger since he was young and he may get comeback player of the year. And Rafael Palmero, one of the game's elder statesmen and most respected players was caught last season too.

Where's their asterisk? Where's their media frenzy? Why's the commissioner (another
giant douche) going to go to their Hall of Fame induction ceremonies?

And where's the reason? Where's the patience? Where's the ideal that innocence is
assumed until guilt is proven?

What? You're telling me that prefacing everything with the term "allegedly" makes it right?
You know how many times I've heard in the media these last few weeks that Michael Vick is a horrible person for what he "allegedly" did?

I don't. I've lost count.

Did he probably do it? Well, the guy's being indicted by the Feds, so that isn't a good
sign. But how about we, oh, wait for some EVIDENCE to come out before we kick the guy to the curb? Or is that maybe just me?

I dunno. Like I said, these kind of things baffle me. I kind of chalk it up to mob mentality.
Gossip. The media's rush to get there first. Professional sports writers' self-importance (don't even get me started on Kenny Rogers or a college playoff). Possibly the degradation of talent and standards as the press has become more and more diluted through the internet and television.

Or that complete slut Paris Hilton.

Yeah. I like that.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Coming This Weekend on ITPR

-- Barry Bonds and Michael Vick

-- Summer movies so far and what there is to look forward to

-- I see another musical?

-- And possibly why Barack and Hillary just might doom the country

Stay tuned.

And if you haven't voted in my latest poll, why don't you go ahead? Just so you know, I'm Drewberson.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

For Chang

What're you? A medium?

The dirty golden bear, is losing all his hair....

Good luck, buddy.