Friday, May 26, 2006

It's Starting to Come Together, Pepper...

It's starting to come together.

With a full 3 1/2 months 'til opening day, Stanford Stadium looks well on it's way to being completed. Upper level seating loks to be mostly done, they're pouring concrete for the lower level seating, and from the looks of things they're starting on putting the lowers in place. A little spit and some grass and this sucker looks to be about done!

And while my interest in this project falls far short of my compatriot, Mr. Everton, be advised that the 3 press box cameras have been moved and now offer very nice views of the lower bowl. Now if we could only get those contruction pictures uploaded so we can see the progress on the concourse....

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lemme Check My Laptop, Howie....

So, I came across this thing on the web.

After seeing only one episode of "Deal or No Deal" I wondered how much the banker should be offering when he calls down from his oddly dark little booth. Obviously, when the big numbers come down, the offer drops. When there're a lot of big numbers on the board, the offer has to be high in order to get the contestant to quit.

But what should the offers be?

this guy thinks he's figured it out. I dunno how accurate he is, but it gives you something to play with next time you watch.

Lemme know how it turns out! (if anyone's still watching, that is)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Personalized Plate

Coming into work today, I ended up behind a red Nissan 350Z. His personalized plate read:


to which I respond:

"Yes, sir. I can see that you're an egocentric idiot."

Will people have the same response when I get my personlized plate - DRUBMBL?

I'll not be calling for attention, but I will be able to say "To the DrewbyMobile!" any time I head for my car.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Frikin' Google! And Damn Da Vinci!

I'm stuck on one of these Da Vinci Quest puzzles and it's seriously starting to upset me.

It's the last "Geography" puzzle. The actual zigsaw part is fine, of course. The city, I know. Then it asks you to find 4 "blades" hidden around the city. Three of them are ridiculously obvious. The 4th one, however, I find to be a bit more well hidden.

I've tried sort of reverse engineering the 3 easily locatable "blades" in order to discern clues as to what makes those locations significant, but so far nothing to link all three. I've tried to take a separate view of the entire puzzle, looking for alrger shapes within the city's layout, but no go. I've even litterally thought outside the box, looking for one buried in the border of the map, but nothing there either.

At this point, I'm guessing it's somewhere in Hyde Park, but without my copy of the book handy, I have no idea where the significant places in the park might be.

When I figure this out (and I will), I know I'm gonna be very dissapointed. One of those so-obvious -it's-hidden kind of things that's gonna wanna make me smack someone.