Sunday, December 16, 2007

Go Card !!!

So we finally win the Axe back. Hell frikin' yeah!

And then, when all else is failing... when it's coming down to the wire... when you're in a tight one... who comes through??

A Stanford man, that's who!

Only one win has never felt so good (since Standford did it not too long ago). And sure, the cheerleader's excited, but just look at how happy the ref is!

Good times!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

2nd Chance - For You

Editors are making a 2nd swing around the country and will be playing in CA in February.

Tickets are
on sale now and, well, here's your chance. I saw them the night before I left for London and let me tell you (again) that they completely rocked the hell outta The Wiltern. So much so that I'm going back. Of course, you're welcome to join me.

Here is the song that originally caught my attention and made me ask about them. I think it's pretty good.

More videos can be found here. See that? Easy reference.

I know, I know.... I tell you these things and you don't pay attention. You didn't listen the first time. You won't listen now. I might as well not bother.

But I do it 'cause I like you and I think you might like this as much as I do. And if you don't give it a chance, you're missing out. And I don't want you to miss out.

(and apparently I'm not above giving you a guilt trip about it either. =) )

Thursday, December 06, 2007

2010 Olympics

The 2010 Winter Olympics are in Vancouver. I decided last night that I'm going.

I've already got my passport, and by that time, hopefully 3 LA Kings will be on the US Hockey roster (if not more).

I'm letting you know now so you can plan to join me accordingly.

Updates to follow periodically.