It's Time
As the temperatures begin to decline....
As the day gives way to night ever earlier....
As the morning arrives not with a blaze of heat, but with a sharp chill....
As thoughts of the beach slowly turn to thoughts of a warming fire....
And as a few select men in their prime begin to gird themselves for the battles to come,
It arrives....

Y'know, the very seas themselves may as well be vast, deep pools of garlic butter.
Hey Spielberg!

I was about to just move along and hope this is gonna be a decent movie. No ruckus, just hope. In fact, I LOVE that you brought back Karen Allen - the best and original Indy girl. I'll even take Shia LaBeouf. But I have one question:Where the fuck is Sallah?
By all accounts, you haven't even contacted him. Pick up the phone, Steve. Pick it up.
Blue Harvest
Lock S-Foils in attack position. Fall TV is coming back.
Chock Full o' September
Dang, what a month this is gonna be. And it was actually gonna be fuller, but Becks took a tumble and I may take a bath. But more on that later.Actually, the first part of the month isn't too bad. Kings Rookie Camp started this week, and while I'd love to go and take a look at the kids, Santa Ana isn't just a short drive down the freeway from El Segundo and I don't have the time for the time off. So I gotta wait 'til this coming weekend.Don't know about any movies coming out that I really wanna see. Maybe Shoot 'Em Up (9/7) will be entertaining if for no other reason than it's got lotsa guns, Clive Owen, Paul Giamatti and Monica freakin' Bellucci. Dragon Wars (9/14) also looks pointlessly entertaining, so that'll be good. Oooh! And I finally got around to seeing Stardust. FUN movie! And not entirely for the kids. Actually, not really for the kids at all. Kinda dark humor. Annaka would like it. So if you haven't already....I was supposed to go see Galaxy/Chivas on 9/13, but seeing as how Becks went and jacked up his knee, I've lost my game buddies' interest, leaving me on the hook for 4 tickets. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with them. 9/15 is the King's Open House - kinda like Hockey Day in LA from a couple of years ago. Practice at Staples, the box office is open and free food. Should be a fun time.9/21, I head to Vegas for Frozen Fury and a friend's bachelor party. I have no idea what's going to happen there, I'm not sure I wanna know. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to tell you what happened once I get back on Sunday. Don't know if I'll be able to blog about it either, 'cause the night after I get back....9/24 is the Editors concert at the Wiltern. I know a few other people who're going, so that should be a fun night. Late start to the show, too. 9pm. That'll make for an interesting half day at work Tuesday.
At least it'll be a half-day , though, 'cause the 25th, I leave for London. I have to start picking up some of the requisite equipment and start booking plans and such for the trip. Any suggestions would be welcome. I'm also a little worried about the whole ticket situation (apparently UK Ticketmaster doesn't mail tickets out until 2 weeks before the event and I have no idea how that'll work for international mail).
So yeah, after that, it's a few weeks of rest before things start going again. Unless you count the hockey season....