Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Future's So Bright...

There was a point in the first when Sully brought the puck over the blue line and then dished it to Kopitar in the corner, who shook his defender and moved it up to Johnson at the point, who then took a step and put it to the front where Brown was hovering....

The future of this team was out there already and I had to laugh 'cause it's promising to be really good.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Deathly Hallows

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Rule!

I normally consider myself to be pretty understated.

Sure, I have a voice like a foghorn.

Yes, I will yell at my TV when the programming is not as scheduled. Or when one of my favorite shows sucks for no reason (Lost, I'm looking at you!).

And yeah, I throw my hands in the air when I "win" an E-Bay auction using the "Buy it Now" feature.

But those're the exceptions to the general rule. Most of the time, I'll sit back and shrug. And the reason I get so excited at those times is 'cause nothing normally gives me a proverbial goose.

But lately, I've been positively geeked! Why?

--I got a new job. Not bad, and it's good to be working in a place that's not a zoo.

--I got a new jersey. And now, my collection of authentic Kings jerseys is complete, bringing my total hockey jersey collection to an even dozen. (3 on-ice Kings jerseys, 2 replicas, a signed Luc Robitaille, a "Burger King" alternate jersey, 3 practice jerseys, and 2 USA jerseys)

--I'm goin' to London. The Kings're opening the '07-'08 season in England, giving me a new place to take pictures of me in my Kings jerseys. I expect there's gonna be a bigger chance of randomly running into a bagpipe troupe over there, too. And I now have a reason to spell it "colour" and I get to practice my outrageous cockney accent! "'Alloa guv'na!"

--I just had sushi. Ah, salmon - the sweet, sweet butter of the sea.

I'm sure there's more, but those're the biggies.
