Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Speaking of Particle Colliders....

So, we're trying to recreate the Big Bang, right?

What if we succeed?

I mean, this is all pretty trippy stuff, but what if... by recreating it on a small scale, we create a tiny new universe? And what if THAT's the whole reason for our universe in the first place??

God isn't "God," he's like Robert Aymar, director-general of the European Organization for Nuclear Research!

I know, I know. We're getting into Men in Black "Galaxies in Marbles" / Lisa/Bart "Tiny Tooth Society" territory, but still, it's a fun idea.

And yes, scientifically speaking that leaves us with at least two issues:

1) If our Big Bang was the result of another uberverse's experiment, then who started that uberverse?
2) How the hell do you create a tinyverse based on matter scaled to this universe?

Well, I have my theories on both of those, But like I said, it's just a thought.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

It's a Regional Thing, Right?

'Cause there's no reason McDonald's and Burger King should be leading the "Best Burger" poll.

I mean, sure, I like the Whopper and all, but better than Famous Star or the Double Double?

And what're we talking about here? The Big Mac? The Big n' Tasty?

It's gotta be a regional issue, right? Right?