Monday, November 12, 2007

Followin' Up

Y'know, the problem I have with my current poll is that I put it in a place where the people who actually watch Heroes go to post.

So it's like asking me if you should have steak for dinner or if you should go to the hockey game: The answer is pretty much always "Yes."

I gotta decide soon, though. My DVR's getting over 50% full.


Meanwhile, the writer's strike continues.

I'm thinking of calling in sick one day just to go down and watch the picket lines.

This would have already been done if I were in New York. I hear Tina Fay is out there! Though out here, we have Jenna Fischer.

But this kinda blows. 'Cuz soon, all the new stuff on TV will be the reality/gameshow stuff, and I hate that. The only good one was Joe Schmo, and that only worked well once. AND it was a parody.

So yeah - pay the writers already. Some of them actually deserve it.


And in other news, I came to the realization the other night that I'm havin' a pretty god-damned good year.

Maybe it's the Thanksgiving thing*, or maybe I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop, or maybe the whole "gonna be 30" thing has something to do with introspection.

Regardless, of the how or why though, the fact reamains - this was a pretty good year so far. And for the next couple of months, it could get even better.

'Course it could all fall apart... but fingers crossed!


* 'Cause you're thinking of things you could be thankful for. Or it could be that we're having 2 turkeys and one of them's gonna be deep fried!