Monday, November 27, 2006

Thought of the Day

I was listening to my iPod at work today, and I came to the realization that, nowadays, unless someone's carrying some kind of trophy around, Queen's "We Are The Champions" seems really, really out of place.

That is all.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Stanford Wins!

Here's to a 1-11 season, baby! WooHoo!

Thanks, UW!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Almost Found

Y'know, I'm beginnig to worry about Lost.

I have idea what the hell is going on. It all seems overly cryptic and none of the story lines are really progressing. And there are about 8 of them!

The boat group. Jack. Sawyer and Kate. The Others. The people at the Beach.

And now there's a pirate?? Dissention in the ranks of the Others? There's ANOTHER ISLAND? Benry's got A TUMOR?? And God brought him a surgeon??


And what was the entire point of the Tailies? New characters! Great!

You're all dead now.

They did nothing to really move the story forward. Heck, Hurley's not even all shaken up about Libby, Anna Lucia was around just long enough to kill Shannon, and Eko, for all his coolness, didn't even finish his church. What was the point?

And don't even get me started about the new kids. The jerky Italian golfer and his wife?

"You always complain about not being included...."

I find that hard to believe... SINCE HE'S NEVER BEEN THERE BEFORE!!!

And what the frak happened to Michael and his son? This kid was hinted as being psychic and very important to the Others. And then they just let him go?

And what the frak happened to those people at the North Pole? Remember them? Desmond's woman? Huh? Ring a bell?? Maybe Desmond can tell us what happened... 'CAUSE HE'S FRAKKIN' PSYCHIC TOO!!!

Maybe I'm going a little overboard. Maybe there actually is a plan in place. Maybe it'll all end up making sense.

But I've said all these maybes before, and that's what worries me.

Great show.... Great characters.... Intrigue.... Suspense.... Action.... Twist and turns.... Zombies.

"Wait, what?"

Yeah. Zombies. And then Sydney's sister came back from the grave or something, Not Vaughn was not really shot 137 times by the baddies, and Sloan found some kind of Lazarus pit and was trapped there for all eternity. Frakkin' Alias....

Maybe this time JJ Abrams can pull it out and make it work. I hope he can. But right now, the lights're coming on, my surroundings're starting to look familiar, and I may not stay Lost for very much longer.