Sunday, December 04, 2005

Frikin' 'Phins!

You're 4-7. Down 20 in the 4th quarter. Been taken to school all day long.

And you COME BACK ?????? 24-23 !!!!!

There're enough teams with crappy records all over the NFL, there is absolutley no need to become mediocre! 5-7 does nothing but get you further away from the QB of the future you so definitley need!

I hope to anything anyone considers holy that the Jets (ugh) lose to the Pats. At least that will keep us 2 games outta the division lead. I can't beleive that we even have the sniff of a playoff spot!

So I say again - Frikin' 'Phins! and Frikin' Saban! How dare you turn around my crappy franchise so soon. Punk....


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