Monday, November 28, 2005

Drewby Goes to the Movies

Didn't see Rent this weekend. I tried, but no go. It's still on the to do list, though. As I was explaining to Chang, I could either be pleasantly suprised or, hey, $10 for a life time of credible wailing.

I also tried to see Pride and Prejudice Friday night. To my suprise, it was sold out. So, I saw HP4 for the 3rd time. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but 3 times in a week.... Let's just say I was looking forward to different previews my next trip to the theater.

Sunday night, I finally got to see P&P. My review:

May be the 2nd best adaptation out there (next to the BBC version of course). I should start by saying I'm in deep smit with Kiera Knightly's Lizzy - another smart, cute, spunky woman. Beyond that, though, the acting was great, especially since so much of the story in this version was told with gestures, movements, fleeting glances and reactions. It's a great decision to do things this way since the story has to be so compressed for time, though I wonder for those who are unfamiliar with the book and/or the BBC version would be able to catch all of it.

I also really enjoyed the fresh takes on these characters. You have certain preconceptions of these characters going in, and again, the BBC version was so right on they'd be tough to top, so they didn't even try. While the spirit of Darcy, Lizzy, Jane and the rest are clearly in this version, there's something in these versions that helps you get them right off the bat. Again, 'cause you're so pressed for time, it's essential to do it, but it also lets you see the story from a slightly diferent perspective and makes the movie... not only entertaining, but maybe even a little suspenseful? Hard to do given the status of the work.

Anyway, great movie. And I watched it in a theater with far and away the most palpable "chick flick" atmosphere... I think the butter in my popcorn mighta actually been estrogen. I'm 99.7% sure I was the only straight guy in there that wasn't dragged there by his girlfriend.

Now I have to decide whether I'm gonna see Aeon Flux.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

Gonna see Rent tonight with Lis! We'll let you know if you should see it. We wouldn't lead you astray...

Thu Dec 01, 02:33:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...


"Drew, they cut out all the songs! And Mary Louise Parker is in it!"

Thu Dec 01, 03:19:00 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Hah! Chang will see Rent before me! Chang, you seemed a little ambivalent after watching the stage version . . .

Thu Dec 01, 03:22:00 PM  
Blogger Gina Fujikami said...

You really like Keira? She's kind of weird looking. I'll have to see the new P and P... but you can't beat Colin Firth in those older version... yum.

Thu Dec 08, 12:25:00 AM  

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