Wednesday, October 05, 2005


You're all pretty active people. You know that feeling when you've been out for a while, walking, hiking, whatever. You're drop dead tired and you're walking up to the front door. Behind the door is a couch, a bed, a shower, maybe a toilet.... There's that mixture of fatigue and relief and release, 'cause it's almost over and things'll start to get right again.

For the next few hours, that'll be me.

I'm not gonna go off on the return of hockey. Not gonna go all nuts and rant adamantly about it's greatness and my excitement.

It'd be kinda pointless. There aren't many who care that the sport's back, but I'm one of them and I'll save my energy for some other time.

I just wanna say my little "Welcome Back" to the NHL and the sport I love.

Right now, I'm just glad to be home.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

No, you need to get people excited! Hockey is fun, and if people didn't think so before, they will now!

Thu Oct 06, 06:17:00 PM  

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