Friday, August 19, 2005

Smoke and Mirrors

So it’s been about a week since I last wrote something. I’ve had a few half-assed ideas about my next post, but I couldn’t really get behind any of them so they just sorta fizzled out. Nothing huge is out there right now, and while I do have the occasional random musings, they generally don’t fill themselves out in any meaningful way. And so I find myself writing about the fact that I’m effectively blocked. You like that one, Alanis?? Yeah…. Like rain on your wedding day.

Like I said, I’ve had a few ideas:
Missed Opportunities – The idea came from the drive from LA, which kinda worked as a practical metaphor, but it was heading towards self-indulgent and rather trite, so I cut that sucker off at the knees right quick. I don’t wanna be that guy quite yet.
The Tiger Uproar – not enough material.
The Self-Importance of Sports Writers – bleh, and while I do have a few things to say, I don’t wanna narrow the already narrow audience. I’ll save it for December.
Being on the Outside – see Missed Opportunites, but I might do that later in a more upbeat way…
I also thought about doing a sort of Fantasy Draft Preview, detailing who I’da picked, but again with the narrow audience and the sheer length.
And I've notice that so far, my posts have scewed a bit negative: I hate blogs, HP's depressing, my teams suck, don't trust the baby.... And I'm generally not a negative guy. "Very ominous endings."

All of them have their own merits, but I really just wasn’t into them. Consequently, I didn’t write them. But that just left me with this nagging feeling in the back of my mind – “Gotta write! Gotta write!” – and that just blew. In fact, it was one of the reasons I was hesitant to start this blog in the first place, and is now officially Argument #1 Against Blogs – The Imperative to Write. I think when I get to 5 reasons, I may write a post about that too.

On the other hand, I have found that blogs are good in that they give you an imperative to write. I always figured when I died, someone would be left rummaging through my computer and end up finding a file filled with essays about this and that thing that urged me to put it on virtual paper. Now, I not only have a reason to write it, but a place to put it. In fact, having the place to put it forces me to write it in the first place. To channel Annaka for a sec – Circle of Life, indeed!

Okay, I’ve stalled enough and have bought myself some time to put something together that’ll actually be worth reading. For now, though, I can get the damn writing monkey off my back for at least a few days.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

1. It's good to write and keep the skill sharp, even if you're writing about how you can't find a topic worth writing about.

2. Don't shy away from writing about sports. :)

Mon Aug 22, 09:13:00 AM  

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