Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Warning

Next time you're in the market or drug store, and you see this package, be advised:

This baby is not to be trusted! He's up to something and his evil plans must be stopped at all costs!

I know that is isn't great Blog material, but every time I see this package, he reminds me of a Baby Palpatine: "Yesss. Uuuse your anger." I was in Target today and...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it not great blog material? I thought that the whole point was to be amusingly, interestingly, or informatively random. This warning could save my life! Or my soul!

Wed Aug 10, 07:43:00 AM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

Maybe your life, Annaka, but you lost your soul to me in a game of Hearts. I'll let you have it back if you win SHH this weekend. :)

Wed Aug 10, 03:01:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...

"He lent it me a while and I gave him use for it. A double heart for his single one. But merry, he won it of me with false dice, so you may say I have lost it."

Wed Aug 10, 04:09:00 PM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

Love the quote. I think I'll read it again. It's about that time.

Thu Aug 11, 12:48:00 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Love the quote as well - and funny to think that it was spoken by Professor Trelawney about Professor Lockhart.

Thu Aug 11, 08:48:00 AM  
Blogger Drewby said...

I think Lisa's trying to make up for the Pulp Fiction thing, but she's trying soooo hard she's getting her movies confused.

Chill Hunny Bunny.

Thu Aug 11, 09:51:00 AM  

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