Sunday, August 07, 2005

Harry Skywalker

So it’s been about a month since Harry Potter rushed back into the collective consciouness, so I figure I, as a devotee of Mr. Potter, I should get around to writing about it. And seeing as how I finished it only last week, now seems like the perfect time.

Before reading it, I was sure the Half-Blood Prince was Hagrid. Mom was a giant, dad was a regular guy. And it couldn’tve been HWMNBN, ‘cause that woulda been too easy. And who’da thought it was who it turned out to be? Oh, well.

I was telling my cousin a little about the story (he’s not a reader, but a few of us in the family are and he likes to keep up) and he compared it to another iconic series and I realized he was right: Harry Potter 6 is the Empire Strikes Back of the series. I can easily imagine Harry in his school robes, standing by the window of that Republic Med Ship wit Ginny at his side, staring off into the distance as Lando and Chewbacca go searching for Horcruxes. I mean, you have the huge loss, the not too suprising betrayal, more of the backstory, a frightening journney of discovery, an epic battle, and a love story cut short by circumstance. Either all mythologies are the same, or JK Rowling’s cheating!

We also discussed the humorous possibility that in the end, Harry is killed by Voldemort and he rises to full power with nothing to stop him. The End. Can you imagine how utterly pissed people would be? Kids crying all over the world. Parents outraged. The movies would be pretty poitnless. The Vatican would be all but yelling “SEE!! SEE!! WE TOLD YOU!!! And JK would still be richer than the Queen. I mean, she could really phone it in at this point – it’s the last thing she’ll ever have to write and she’s already richer than the Queen!

Beyond that, all I have to say is:
1) Regulus Alphard(?) Black (I can already imagine the story)
2) Yes he’s dead but the portrait’ll help
3) Snape’s okay, but still not cool
4) Malfoy will end up helping Harry in the end
5) The number of Horcruxes depends on how many/which theories you believe: The ring and diary are gone. Voldy’s one. The Goblet is a 4th. The neckalace may be in Grimaud Place. Who knows about the 6th. But could the seventh be… Harry? It would kinda make sense.

I’d write more, but I’ll never be richer than the queen. Wotcher, kids!


Blogger Chang Kim said...

Harry ain't gonna die because then the series would end, and I don't care what J.K. says, it ain't stopping at seven. Richer than the queen or not, I just can't imagine her stopping.

Mon Aug 08, 11:32:00 AM  

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