Thursday, November 10, 2005

Jack, you're a genius

I'm sitting here and a song just pops into my head.

Anybody else hear this White Stripes song?*
"I'm thinkin' about my doorbell
When ya gonna ring it? When ya gonna ring it?"

I think this may be one of the best songs ever.

Normally, I don't make claims like this. Normally, I'd put forth 30 or so DMB, Police, Coldplay, and a few other people's songs and say, "I dunno, these are some really good songs!" But the more I hear and think about this song, the more impressed I am by it.

First off, it's pure simplicity. Any of those who know me well know this is huge for me. Take all the bells and whistle you want, but give me streamlined any day. And you generally can't get simpler than the White Stripes. All you've got here is Meg on the drums and Jack singing with a piano. That's it. And the music in this is, again, bare bones. I could play the drum part and after about a day, I might be able to play the piano, too.

Next, it's pretty dang near universal. The guy's waiting. For his doorbell. When's she gonna ring it? Who hasn't felt that? Okay, maybe it was a phone or an e-mail and not your doorbell. Maybe it wasn't a girl (or boy), but something at some point has had you waiting. For your doorbell. When they gonna ring it? You hear that and you know what it means. You've been there. It's now you're song.

And the bugger's catchy as hell! With only two instruments, you can only do so much. But what they do sticks with you. You hear it once, and next time it's on you're thinking "There's that song again." Though, you can run the danger of getting it stuck in you're head, and since you can only really understand the uber repetitive chorus, it just might kill you if you don't like it. But you like it, so it's cool.

Anyway, just thought I'd share.

*A little while ago, I woulda just started commenting on it, but every since Lisa threw me off with Hot Hot Heat, I figured I should check to make sure first.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

I thought the doorbell was an analogy for something else...

Fri Nov 11, 02:08:00 PM  
Blogger Drewby said...

Well, she can't get to the "doorbell" unless she gets to his doorbell, now can she?


Fri Nov 11, 03:15:00 PM  

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